Year 1
Welcome to Year 1!
Please read on to find out what we will be learning.
In our Literacy we will explore the story of ‘Dear Mother Goose’. We will continue to develop children’s letter formation, word and sentence builing as well as support them to improve their punctuation by using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Next, we will be learning about poetry through the text ‘Zim, Zam, Zoom’. Children will have the opportunity to perform some poems using expression, intonation and rhythm appropriately. They will also write their own poem based on a model from the text. In groups, the children will enjoy frequent reading sessions, where we will teach children the skills needed to become fluent and confident readers who are always looking for the meaning in a text.
In phonics, we will be reviewing phases 3 and 4 before moving onto learning phase 5 sounds. We are using the Little Wandle phonic scheme to guide our teaching of phonics. There are some great resources and useful videos in the parent section of their website. Please take a look for further information.
Every week we will learn new sounds in our phonics sessions. A sheet, including the new sounds we will be learning, will be stuck into your child’s reading record so you are aware of the phonic sounds your child will be learning.
As Mathematicians we will be counting within 100. Then, the children will build on their reception skills to make comparisons between quantities and measure. This will involve comparing length, height, weight, mass, volume and capacity. The class will count and compare sets of objects using equality and inequality symbols to compare. Then they will move on to learn about part- whole relationships. The children will learn about what is a whole and how it can be split into parts. They will use the part- whole model to represent whole numbers partitioned into two or more parts.
The next focus will be deepening understanding of numbers 0 to 5. During this learning the children will represent how many objects there are in a set and explain that ordinal numbers show a position not a set of objects. The children will partition numbers one to five in different ways and find a missing part. After this, the children will find one more and one less than a number. Finally, the children will use a bar model to represent a whole partitioned into two parts.
As musicians, we will be learning to listen to and appraise different songs, sing, play instruments, improvise, compose and perform.
In RE we will be learning about what it means to belong to a faith community and thinking about the places that we belong. We will also learn about how people express their identity and belonging within faith communities and other communities.
In PE, we will be learning how to develop our locomotor skills of running and jumping, learning to use the right technique and understand what our personal best is. We will also be developing our skills in Gymnastics, where we will learn how to shape our bodies into wide, narrow and curled positions.
As Design Technologists learn about the importance of eating a balanced and healthy diet and learn to prepare fruits and vegetables safely in order to create our own fruit or vegetable kebabs.
As Geographers, we will investigate our local area. Thinking of what we know around us we will discuss the concept of near and far. The children will create and examine maps of their school and of the local area.
As Historians, we will learn about our family history. The children will look at the differences between toys, homes and shops from the past compared to the present. They will compare what school may have been like for their grandparents compared to their current school life.
As Artists, we will explore how to draw spirals using a wide range of design techniques using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. Our artist for the term will be Molly Haslund.
In computing, we will be developing our understanding of the surrounding technology where we will explore digital devices and networks. We will also create our own digital painting media by using a range of tools.
In PSHE we will learn about relationships, where we will look at families and friendships, safe relationships and respecting ourselves and others.
As Scientists, we will learn about scientific skills through hands-on, investigative sessions where we will be studying everyday materials. Over the course of the topic, the children will tell the difference between an object and the material from which it is made. They will identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock. During this topic, the children will also describe the physical properties of materials and will compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties.