Year 2
Welcome to Year 2!
Please read on to find out more about our learning this term.
In English, we will explore the non-fiction text: ‘What do you do with a tail like this’. We will continue to develop children’s letter formation, word, and sentence structure. We will use expanded noun phrases and precise verb choice to expand our sentences.
In phonics, we will be completing a review of the Phase 5 content, recapping sounds and words that will be familiar to the children. We are using the Little Wandle phonic scheme to guide our teaching of phonics. There are some great resources and useful videos in the parent section of their website. Please take a look for further information.
I will update Google Classroom regularly with our weekly focuses. This will give children an opportunity to practise sounds and spellings at home.
As Mathematicians, we will be focusing on numbers 10 to 100, considering the place value of these numbers. We will use a variety of representations including real life examples to deepen the children’s mathematical understanding.
As Musicians, we will be learning an Afropop song named ‘Hands Feet Heart’. Throughout this unit children will begin to recognise some key features of South African music. As well as this, they will learn how to play an instrumental piece of music using a glockenspiel which they will perform at the end of the unit.
In RE, we will be learning about the creation story, considering our natural world and how we can best look after it. We will also be discussing Christian beliefs and festivals such as the Harvest Festival and why it is important in the Christian community.
In PE, we will be focusing on locomotive skills. Children will apply their knowledge of how, where and why to dodge. Pupils will learn the roles of attacking and defending and start to understand when we attack and when we defend.
As Design Technologists, we will be learning about and understanding where a range of fruit and vegetables come from. We will perform focused tasks using simple utensils and equipment and understand the importance of food hygiene and safety.
As Geographers, we will investigate and identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK and how this varies. We will explore this in the context of the countries in the UK as well as our local area. We will begin to explore and use geographical skills, such as first- hand observation to enhance their local awareness.
As Historians, we will be learning about Guy Fawkes and the Great Fire of London. Through exciting activities, we will begin to develop an awareness of the past, using common words and phrases relating to the passing of time. As we further explore this unit of work, children will begin to know where the events they study sit within a chronological time frame.
As Artists, we will explore different drawing techniques in relation to the natural world. We will be focusing on art work created by Maria Sibylla Merian. Children will be using a range of materials
In Computing, we will be learning about information technology around us. We will explore the different features of information technology which is used inside and outside of school.
In PSHE we will be learning about the relationships we have with our friends and family. We will learn about how to keep ourselves safe if we ever feel at risk and understand what our role is in being a good friend.
As Scientists, we will learn about everyday materials. We will look at a variety of materials and their properties. We will carry out practical investigations as well as making predictions, discussing what makes a ‘fair test’ and drawing upon conclusions.