Year 6
Welcome to Year 6. Please read the information from Mrs Robinson about what the class are learning this term.
In English, we will be looking at 4 texts over the entire Autumn term our first text will be a poem called ‘The Sea’ where the children will write their own extended metaphor poem. Varjak Paw is the second text where the children will write a complete additional adventure for Varjak Paw in the style of the author. After half term, our first text will be ‘Women in science’ where the children will write a biography about an inspiring person as part of a class book about inspiring people. The final text before Christmas will be called ‘Spanish’ where the children will create a lottery Christmas advert.
We will secure our understanding of place value and numbers beyond one million, including decimal places and begin to use that knowledge when calculating in a variety of different contexts. We will then use these skills to solve problems, tackle puzzles and embark upon investigations. Negative numbers will be investigated along with prime numbers and Roman numerals. There will be a rapid recall multiplication challenge each week. It is vital the children know their multiplication tables and associated facts well. There are many free resources online to help support this learning.
Throughout both terms, the children will have 5 daily sessions focusing on reading, they will focus on vocabulary, inference, predictions, explaining, retrieving, summarising and sequencing from stories read to them.
It will also be beneficial to your child for them to read at home to an adult
In the first half of the term, Year 6 will be studying ‘classification’. We will find out how living things are split into groups depending on their characteristics, then design and use our own classification keys. In the second half of the term, we continue our biology theme with the topic ‘circulation’. We will find out about blood and how it travels through the body.
Our first half term we will consider whether Jesus was the Messiah and we will be looking at different perspectives of Jesus as the Messiah and not just from a Christian view. After half term we will be discovering what is means to be a Muslim in Britain today. The children will be learning about the Five Pillars of Islam and how mosques reflect Muslim beliefs.
Living in the wider world and relationships are the theme for this term, considering feelings and emotions, healthy relationships and valuing differences. The children will be exploring how to recognise feelings in others and strategies to deal with those feelings and emotions. They will also be looking at their rights and responsibilities as a citizen.
PE will be run by Achieve4All on a Monday and by Mrs Robinson on a Thursday. Please ensure you have the correct kit in on these days. We are asking that PE kit is left in school in case of a change of plans. They can be taken home at a weekend if you require.
In Autumn 1, we will be looking at football and how to invade and in Autumn 2, we will be looking at matching and mirroring in gymnastics.
This term, we are looking at The Impact of War. We will mainly be discussing World War 1 and 2. We will begin by looking at the differences before and after the war locally, with a view to moving out in to the wider community and then nationally and globally.
South America is our unit of work. During the first half of term we will be looking at the Amazon, its importance and the people that live there. We will aim to develop our geographical skills through investigation and the use of maps, old and modern.
In Autumn 1, we will be looking at what subjects we study in school as well as telling the time to the hour. In Autumn 2, we will be looking at the planets and how to say these in French.
This term we are looking at exploring computer systems and creating media. We will be looking at different forms of communication easily and how this works, particularly via emails. We will also be creating our own shared webpages.
The children will understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated. They will continue to develop knowledge and skills in the seven inter-related dimensions of music: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture and structure.
Art and DT.
In Autumn 1, in art, the children will be exploring identity. The children will discover how artists use layers and juxtaposition to create artwork which explores identity. Make your own layered portrait. In DT, we will be looking at food and how it can be used to celebrate culture and seasoning including cooking and nutrition requirements.